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NewbieContest Rankk OverTheWire Hacker.org Hacking-Challenges cryptography web Crypto World of Wargame LEVEL 2 Net-Force CANYOUHACK.IT Misc Valhalla LEVEL 3 Forensics reversing Level 1 Reverse Engineering Challengeland HellBoundHackers JavaScript Stéganographie picoCTF 2018 picoCTF Pwnable.kr TryThisOne Practical Malware Analysis HackThis!! hackthissite malware analysis WebGoat Yoire Root-Me CodeEngn Cryptographie Miscellaneous steganography ThisisLegal TJCTF 2018 Coding ångstromCTF 2018 Lena's Reversing Tutorial ch4n3 world crackme Cracking RingZer0 Team Online CTF Natas Season 1 Programming Steganos Programmation CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2018 Logique ftz Simples.kr Kryptographie Solve Me SuNiNaTaS backdoor Logik Bandit hacking Pwn2Win 2014 VorteX Lord of SQLinjection XCZ.KR exploit-exercises wargame TokyoWesterns CTF 4th 2018 Hacker Gateway HackCon2018 realistic Lord of Buffer Overflow Basic RCE LOB system hacking binary elhacker.net Kryptos nebula forensic General Skills ClientSide Advance RCE Debugging AraHacker Day 2017 NOE.systems Basic Web Hacking Toddler's Bottle Application Cracking Coding challenges Web Exploitation ASIS 2014 Web - Server rookiss encryption Drifter Verschiedenes Javascript Hacking grotesque crypt web security Internet CRYP70 CH405 2017 ASIS FINALS 2013 Extbasic missions TryThis0ne Level 4 Level 5 Linux Reconoce la imagen Web-challenges semtex h1702ctf 2017 Binary Exploitation LOST-Challenge Bonus Challenges Wixxerd Level 0 → Level 1 Basic Challenges pwnable PWN LEVEL 6 Hacker's Secret Application missions Basic missions Level 5 → Level 6 Level 4 → Level 5 Level 3 → Level 4 Level 2 → Level 3 Level 1 → Level 2 w3challs Recon MAZE Application CAPTCHA hackburger.ee RedTigers Hackit TheBlackSheep Programmierung Stegano Web Based DareYourMind Level 6 → Level 7 main MATHEMATICS Narnia BASIC InCTF try to decrypt! Carnaval Hacking 2017 shellterlabs Hack-Web Programación Utumno Level 7 → Level 8 Level 0 WeChall InCTF 2017 bugs_bunny ctf 2k17 TUCTF 2017 Memory Forensics Captchas Injection Flaws volatility Exploits manpage webhacking.kr Behemoth LEVIATHAN Logic base64 trivia REV real Crack Warmup EasyCTF IV Javascript missions BASIC+ LEVEL 7 Wargame.kr AJAX Security Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) EnigmaGroup Cookie Tampering beginners Krypton stego Season 2 others Encryption Challenges Realistic Challenges Level 8 → Level 9 Level 10 Level 9 Reconnaissance Cryptanalysis Reversing.kr /dev/null Intermediate ios Android Re Java applet Easy intro Web Warning Protostar Remote Exploitation Criptografia Chapter 18 LABS Miscelaneo Web - Client Crack It CodeEngn Challenges LEVEL 8 HACK-ME Level 13 → Level 14 Level 11 → Level 12 Level 10 → Level 11 Level 9 → Level 10 burp suite hexadecimal wireshark Challenge other RSA script HTML Junior/Facche Stego missions ReversingEngineering stegsolve Chapter 12 LABS Chapter 6 LABS Chapter 3 LABS Chapter 1 LABS Flash Challenges Timed Challenges ElectricalEngineering Application Challenges Realistic missions Level 15 Level 14 Level 12 Realistics Level 19 Level 18 Level 17 Level 11 Level 12 → Level 13 authentication flaws Parameter Tampering Level 16 xss Web Services System Network Hidden UIUCTF 2018 UIUCTF SHX #17 Local File Inclusion SHX #16 SHX #15 SHX #13 SHX #12 SHX #10 SHX #9 SHX #8 SHX #7 SHX #6 SHX #5 SHX #4 SHX #3 SHX #2 SHX #14 SHX #11 Union SqL injection Chapter 17 LABS Chapter 16 LABS Chapter 15 LABS Chapter 14 LABS Chapter 13 LABS Chapter 11 LABS Chapter 10 LABS Chapter 19 LABS Chapter 20 LABS Chapter 9 LABS Chapter 7 LABS Timed User Challenges Rooting Challenges Level 23 Level 20 Level 13 Level 24 → Level 25 Level 26 → Level 27 Level 25 → Level 26 Level 23 → Level 24 Level 22 → Level 23 Level 21 → Level 22 Level 15 → Level 16 Level 16 → Level 17 Level 17 → Level 18 Level 18 → Level 19 Level 19 → Level 20 Level 20 → Level 21 Level 14 → Level 15 Find Me Access Control Flaws Command Injection Basic 2 Cracking Challenges SQLInjection Caesar Cipher conversion BOF Buffer Overflow Visual Basic SQL Injection AI FOR irc Python Qwiklabs GoogleCloudPlatform Steg SwampCTF 2018 HackTheBox The vault Text2 Text1 p32dasm Directory Listing SHX #1 file signature GCP Chapter 21 LABS CrackIt Java-Applet conversion/4_chall_hard.php conversion/3_chall_average.php conversion/2_chall_mid.php conversion/1_chall_easy.php conversion/0_chall_very_easy.php Sapr0+ 11. Java training Lorem ipsum InferenceAttacks custom encryption. SQL Challenges App - Script Basic 9 Basic 8 Basic 7 Basic 6 Basic 5 Basic 4 Basic 3 Your Turn Continued patching at runtime & unpacking armadillo standard protection Level 32 Level 30 Level 29 Level 28 Level 27 Level 26 Level 25 Level 21 Easy Keygen Ascii Art Suite alphabétique 1 HTTP Headers App - System MegaOCR Session Management Flaws Basic 1 Starter Challenges +Ma's Reversing SQLi warm up Voices in My Head blind sql injection ENIAC web hacking Googling shellcode backup file Concurrency Strings proxy server User-agent Denial of Service Dragon clipboard elf spoof Medium Algorithm black box Flag Machine ASCII ??? array SOS Queue Mobile Stack MD5 .htaccess exif PDF Analysis got-shell? echooo got-2-learn-libc leak me buffer overflow 0 LambDash 3 A Simple Question Help Me Reset 2 Secure Logon fancy-alive-monitoring Flaskcards Artisinal Handcrafted HTTP 3 No Login Mr. Robots Irish Name Repo Client Side is Still Bad Inspect Me rsa-madlibs caesar cipher 2 blaise's cipher picoCTFpicoCTF caesar cipher 1 HEEEEEEERE'S Johnny! Crypto Warmup 2 Crypto Warmup 1 be-quick-or-be-dead-1 assembly-0 Reversing Warmup 2 Reversing Warmup 1 script me learn gdb in out error absolutely relative you can't see me what base is this? ssh-keyz environ Aca-Shell-A grep 2 net cat grep 1 General Warmup 3 General Warmup 2 General Warmup 1 LoadSomeBits Malware Shops Lying Out Ext Super Magic now you don't Truly an Artist admin panel Recovering From the Snap Reading Between the Eyes Desrouleaux Forensics Warmup 2 Forensics Warmup 1 GiantXOR Crafted RSA RSA 1s fun Multi Layer RSA Wiener's attack WTF.SQL No Vulnerable Services Hacker Movie Club Ldab Not Protobuf A tour of x86 - Part 3 A tour of x86 - Part 2 A tour of x86 - Part 1 doubletrouble shell->code get it? Take an L bin_t Twitch Plays Test Flag whyOS mcgriddle 🐼 Rewind simple_recovery Holywater flatcrypt babycrypto Thank you!! BBQ-old pysandbox ReadableKernelModule mixed cipher Slack emoji converter vimshell Revolutional Secure Angou Matrix LED tw playing card twgc swap Returns Neighbor C EscapeMe mondai.zip scs7 dec dec dec SimpleAuth Welcome!! Euler's Theorem Chinese Remainder Theorem misc04 WhiteHat Grand Prix 2018 Caesar Salad Salad Upgrades Hoaxes and Hexes aMAZEing CryptoRevSalad EtherHide Ethical Hacker Join us! Steg It Up Tripple FUN Adi and Leonard Light N' Easy Simple Yet Elegent She Sells Sea Shells WarChange Casino v1.3 Try Harder Anti RE revfcuk;) Super Secure Secrets Stupid Blog Volatile Virus Secure Secrets Online Banking Affine Moar Turtles Future Canary Lab Bricked Binary PIT or Miss Ssleepy Foresnics Permutations Programmable Hyperlinked Pasta Sarah's Cryptosystem Weird Audio Circuit Bad Cipher Grid Parser Moar Horses RC4 took an L Lexington State Bank Tilted Troop Ess Kyoo Ell Python Reversing Speedy Security Request Me Learn My Flag Caesar's Complication Huuuuuge Nothing but Everything Math Whiz Central Savings Account Discord! weird Logo Dr. Pouce Malbolge Malebolge ROT180 We Read the Rules EasyOne Whitespace WTF_CODE Words mean something? Looking for password file Big Brother is watching Crack Me 1 Can you see through the star Time to learn x86 ASM & gdb Then obfuscation is more secure Hashing is more secure Client side validation is bad! Bash Jail 1 Jail Escaping Disk Forensics I made a dd of Agent Smith usb key RingZer0 Team CTF Some martian message Application Challenge 10 Find me right word Classic Sudoku Number game Xor me if you can Execute me if you can again Hash breaker reloaded again Read me if you can Execute me if you can Hash breaker reloaded I saw a little elf Hash breaker Ask your grandpa again! I hate mathematics Hash me reloaded Ask your grandpa! Hash me please Crypto-50 Ook! Crypto-25 Crypto-20 Crypto-15 RSA2 Baby RSA For25 Lost data Welcome! Rop to the Top The Colors - Listen! VolgaCTF 2018 Quals The Best Website Source Me 2 Source Me 1 MadLibs File Storer run me Rev3 Rev1 Weird Message Waldo 2 Waldo 1 That’s Not My Name… slots paste palooza Very ez cipher Randomized Cipher Intro to RSA gmx curly-cue Back to Base-ics Personal Letter Number Guess Hellcode Cookie Jar Bank Roppery Nibbles The Oldeset Trick in the Book Text6 Text5 Text4 Text3 Basic Web Hacking 18 Basic Web Hacking 17 Form based SQL Injection Basic Web Hacking 16 Basic Web Hacking 15 Basic Web Hacking 14 Basic Web Hacking 13 Basic Web Hacking 12 Burp Suijte Basic Web Hacking 11 Basic Web Hacking 10 Fischer's Animal Products Peace Poetry: HACKED Basic Web Hacking 9 ASCII Encode Basic Web Hacking 7 Application Challenge 8 variable tampering find by size RET Overwrite Stack 4 EIP overwrite Stack 3 Stack 1 environment variables Stack 2 Stack 0 Memoryyyyy Dumpppppp PROB24 ELF - ARM basic Twitter authentication ETHERNET - frame Base32 LuciferVM Funmail2.0 Funmail I'm Playing Cookie Duty High Source File upload - null byte HTTP verb tampering Directory traversal Guessing Install files Improper redirect CRLF Injection HTTP cookies File upload - MIME type File upload - double extensions Command & Control - level 6 Command & Control - level 4 Coomand & Control - level 3 Command & Control - level 5 Command & Control - level 2 os.environ.get Suspicious Behavior Type Juggling login filtering flee button QR decode QR CODE PUZZLE Show me you code! scatter it into the winds Service Kill Maria strikes back We Protect Access Two MacRevEngER Alchemist Hunting BabyLockPicker WELCOME TO CRYP70 CH405 King of Guitar King of Song Tweet Me HoHoHo b000m l3457 ROPE.COM tab2n 1n73rn4ls cr4ckm3 mus1c c0d3s brut3 k1k0 m1n14tur3 p23 N1MB3R5 m4lw f1rs7 ch1p m4g pkn1f3 oldsch00l d4t3 access pass crackpass broken msg in the middle beyond the image esab la cifra trivia1 trivia0 Simple Inspection Guess the Word Hello admin Restricted Area Crack this Table table B0mb Read My eMail Song Travel Basic Auth RSA Padding Weird writing freelyrics Don't let Persist Basic understanding Help us out Go Deeper KuteKats Pay Attention Assembly Reader The Shortest Again? Lil Arm Be Wild Easy Crypt Banana Shopping Quantum Photos Hello Photo Omni Corp Ancient Code shx_webgame shx_bubble1 Everything Will Be Ok - G-Eazy What is the code? Brazil Icon disk forensic Bad c ompare Natural algorithm Fact or Real? How much exactly? Satellite reloaded numdroid RSA in real world! Ptot CapLow A familiar system important day Forensic ASIS 1 RSAng cryptor circular crypto rookie_agent Shahklyd Liscense Key Rock Paper Scissors simple binary Chessboard Login Me! NOE Campany Break Time Login System Gifted game double input BURYBURY Warm Up! Double Double Elemental Master The Shape of Voice Secret album Fire Signature LowerLowerLower Linux Savings Bank spcap stegsolver 5º Hacking N Roll Give life to the letters Access Granted Cyber Tracing trivia-2 trivia-1 BlueCorp-pt2 BlueCorp Crackme 16 Crackme 15 Crackme 14 Crackme 13 Crackme 12 Sanity check Do you have a password? Do you like music? Reverse 06 Reverse 05 Reverse 04 Reverse 02 Reverse 03 Reverse 01 Unpackme 08 Unpackme 07 Unpackme 06 Unpackme 04 Unpackme 01 Unpackme 05 Unpackme 03 Unpackme 02 [Simples.kr] [Season 1] Crackme 18 [Simples.kr] [Season 1] Crackme 17 Crackme 11 Crackme 10 Crackme 09 Crackme 08 Crackme 07 Crackme 06 Crackme 05 Crackme 04 Crackme 03 Crackme 02 Crackme 01 discord Realistic 1: Trace Tracker V2.0 prob29. NemoNemo 9. Underfull hbox 8. Zip file browser 7. Magic 6. That's not how you write signup 5. We tried to clone pastebin 4. Number to ASCII converter 3. Enter password to get candy 2. File search 1. Warmup 1. The Crash what's my name? CMP.wz Progra MotoReto Ojos LeonardoPisa PKC Orden Basico Atacame Molto Facil Training: WWW-Robots 14. 1337 race condition. 13. I do validate. I really do. 12. I change my own variables. 11. Can you get the password now? 10. Windows shell? ZOMG! 9. Captain kirk learns perl! 8. Perl is a bitch sometimes 7. Bugs? In my PHP? It's more likely than you think 6. Sucky Sysadmin 5. Fix the script 4. Finda Fake 2 3. Finda Fake 1 2. Extension blocking 1. Over and Over? First Time Go Forensic missions Chicago American Nazi Party Training: Programming I Training: Net Ports Newsgroup Cipher umaru evil_wizard hell_fire dark_eyes iron_golem xavis zombie_assassin golem cobolt gremlin Empty Picture Simple SQLi 2 Simple Blind SQLi 도현이의 부탁 Flag in my dog Auto bike challenge TWICE Challenge Developer's Mistake 초보 개발자의 일기 How are you? I'm XOR XOR.. Easy Login Array String Find my password Stegano_Dark 나잡아봐라~~ 발표자료가 안열려.. Simple SQLi Where is admin's pw? Random Integer Very easy SQLi Brute-Force Reverse! Fruit_php SQL is stupid! hahaha AKMU FanCafe String Joke First Reversing BASE인코딩을 아니? 아니..이것은?? Easy Misc Lucky Number? Crypto is my Mother Do you know password of suninatas? Lab 18-1 Lab 16-1 Lab 13-1 Lab 14-1 Lab 15-1 Lab 17-1 Lab 19-1 Lab 20-1 Lab 21-1 Lab 21-2 Lab 20-3 Lab 20-2 Lab 19-3 Lab 19-2 Lab 18-5 Lab 18-4 Lab 18-3 Lab 18-2 Lab 17-3 Lab 17-2 Lab 16-3 Lab 16-2 Lab 15-3 Lab 15-2 Lab 14-3 Lab 14-2 Lab 13-3 Lab 13-2 Lab 12-4 Lab 12-3 Lab 12-2 Lab 12-1 Lab 11-3 Lab 11-2 Lab 11-1 Lab 10-3 Lab 10-2 Lab 10-1 What is a Solution Key? Is it a Puzzle? Hard Blind Sql Injection LAST NUMBER Cipher III : Frequency analysis Can you speak x86 Find it Ummm... QR Code is broken! Fix it! Can you find the password for a member of SuNiNaTaS.com? Cipher II : What is it? Cipher I : What is it? Lab 9-3 Lab 9-2 Lab 9-1 Lab 7-3 Lab 7-2 Lab 7-1 Lab 6-4 Lab 6-3 Lab 6-2 Lab 6-1 Lab 5-1 Lab 3-4 Lab 3-3 Lab 3-2 Lab 3-1 Lab 1-4 Lab 1-3 Lab 1-2 Lab 1-1 Unlucky Cipher Shhh Empire Secret Gibberish Flawless Number Claimed Fast Answer A Bit of Confusion Jinxed Message A Thousand Bits Ghost Sounds Not Very Useful XCZ Company Hacking Incident (150p) PROB27 Chapter 5 LABS 4. Still not difficult 2. Also easy. 2. OK let's begin... 1. An Applet 5. Easy script 4. Hard but possible. 3. Hash the future! 2. Often used but easy to solve. 1. First one and very easy to do. #12. Get the password using your head Application Challenge 7 1. Basic 1 Authentication Exploit cocinar 1. CCTV Microhard 1. The Beginning Catharissa Level 09 Level 08 Level 07 Level 06 Level 05 Level 04 Level 03 Level 02 Level 01 Level 00 Password Recover... PROB17 Web Basic PROB18 PHP Obfuscation Crack PROB21 Tic-Tac-Toe! PROB15 Revershit! PROB19 Hello Android! PROB4 Mountains beyond mountains PROB16 Network Recovery! PROB13 PROB12 XLS Key Brute Force!!! PROB11 Do you know this file? PROB7 Frozen Monitor PROB10 Google Is Our Friend. PROB8 Starcraft!1! PROB6 Stegano Level 1 Easy Android PROB5 I don't speak English. PROB3. End Of Image PROB1 Application Challenge 14 Rooting Challenge 3 Rooting Challenge 2 SP. Easy Script Easy Unpack 21. The Greater Good 24. Exodus II SP. JavaSrcipted 10. Raised By Another 17. In Translation 4. Walkabout 18. Numbers 22. Born To Run 2. Transmission Number Basic Web Hacking 6 Timed Challenge 4 Basic Web Hacking 5 Basic Web Hacking 4 Basic Web Hacking 3 Application Cracking Extra 8. Aargh! Stupid Elf DIE!!! Application Challenge 16 Application Challenge 9 Javascript Hacking 15 Javascript Hacking 14 Javascript Hacking 11 Javascript Hacking 12 Javascript Hacking 13 Javascript Hacking 9 Javascript Hacking 8 Javascript Hacking 10 Javascript Hacking 7 Stegano Level 2 Flash Hacking 2 Flash Hacking 4 Flash Hacking 1 Flash Hacking 3 Javascript Hacking 6 Timed Challenge 3 Timed Challenge 2 Timed Challenge 1 trainer10 trainer9 trainer8 trainer7 trainer6 trainer5 trainer4 trainer3 trainer2 trainer1 .pyc PHPSandbox Online Calculator ELF! Bishop Encrypt HELLogin Rolling Binary Is this really base64? What is my password? Book Store Colidpw Inject Advanced CAPTCHA H4ck3r's Blog Devil's Joke POINT LOTTO Cryptic Crackme Fragments of QR Lax CAPTCHA Empty Console The Way of Reversing Catch the Mouse Can you find the flag? Empty Window Hardrev Encode What's this file? pe/04_crackme_hard.php png/05_stego_hard.php png/04_stego_normal.php png/03_stego_mid.php png/02_stego_easy.php png/01_stego_very_easy.php pe.stage3/04_crackme_Epic.php pe.stage3/03_crackme_sennin.php pe.stage3/02_crackme_gama.php pe.stage3/01_crackme_benten.php pe.stage2/05_crackme_very_hard.php pe.stage2/04_crackme_hard.php pe.stage2/03_crackme_average.php pe.stage2/02_crackme_easy.php pe.stage2/01_crackme_very_easy.php pe/05_crackme_very_hard.php pe/03_crackme_average.php pe/02_crackme_easy.php pe/01_crackme_very_easy.php xor/4_chall_hard.php xor/3_chall_average.php xor/2_chall_mid.php xor/1_chall_easy.php xor/0_chall_very_easy.php aes/fshop.php identification/4_chall_hard.php identification/3_chall_average.php identification/2_chall_mid.php identification/1_chall_easy.php identification/0_chall_very_easy.php transform/4_chall_hard.php transform/3_chall_average.php transform/2_chall_mid.php transform/1_chall_easy.php transform/0_chall_very_easy.php basic/1_fast_count.php tron/races/winners.php tron/races/megatron.php tron/races/control.php 74. Erroneous note 73. Hackers' Camp 2F 72. MasterCard hash 71. Universal Cycle II 70. Spiral 69. Combinations II 68. Jailbreak 67. Holy Rankk Transform 66. OOP 65. Blackout II 64. Let's Program 2A 63. Beheaded 62. Signal 61. Hackers' Camp 2E 60. Seventh sense 59. Weight measuring theory 58. Guess my password 57. Texnical II 56. Annihilation 55. Number Guessing Theory I 54. A broken jar 53. A line of three 52. Very Important Mission 51. Exorcism 50. Did they mean it? 49. Jigsaw II 48. Golden beetle 47. Search and rescue 46. Ruby the gem 45. Hackers' Camp 2D 44. Vote rigging 43. Finger 42. Weak algorithm 41. Gibberish 40. Pixels 39. Minesweeper 38. Siblings 37. Name scores 36. Regex revisit 35. Python 103 34. XORed 33. The Perl way 32. Fruity 31. Hackers' Camp 2C 30. Colourful life 29. Pretty good 28. Squeeze me not 27. Oral crypto 26. A little riddle 25. Musical crypto 24. Hackers' Camp 2B 23. The longest word 22. Pontifex 21. Snow 20. Hackers' Camp 2A 19. Nonograms II 18. Labourer tag 17. Nonsense creatures 16. ASM II...coded by valsa 15. Know the gods 14. Buggy code 13. Pyramid payroll II 12. Eight commands 11. Guess the number 10. Sudoku I 9. Pseudocode 8. Hide me 7. Wrong labe1s 6. Dogz speak 5. A dice game 4. A strange word 3. Nice try! 2. Brackets rulez! 1. Camel programming 79. Pigeon holes 78. Hackers' Camp 1F 77. Access denied 76. Universal Cycle I 75. Multiverse 74. See plus plus 73. Sniffed 72. Wondrous numbers 71. Combinations I 70. Blimp 69. Giza tour 68. Let's Program 1B 67. Let's Program 1A 66. Binary hip hop 65. Picture proof 64. Hash brown 63. Twisted word 62. Hackers' Camp 1E 61. Colour blindness 60. A strange recipe 59. Did I mension? 58. Hackers' Camp 1D 57. A compromising image 56. Hackers' Camp 1C 55. Hackers' Camp 1B 54. Bitten bytes 53. Onion peeling 52. Untitled 51. Navigate me 50. ASM I 49. IRC II 48. Image theft 47. FTP 102 46. Numb3rs 45. Fragmentary 44. Lisp II 43. Cryptic phrase 42. Jigsaw 41. 222 reasons 40. Unix 102 39. Bytes arithmetic 38. Hear ye 37. Celestial journey 36. Darkness fell 35. Quotient 34. Shapes 33. Referer 32. Behind bars 31. I hate qwerty 30. Forgeful admin 29. Where is The Great Pyramid? 28. Artisan's mass 27. Allow me 26. Binary dance 25. Series 24. Python 102 23. Find my home 22. Regex 21. Equality 20. Flashy game 19. Nonograms I 18. Now you see it 17. Family relations 16. Newbie PHP coder 15. Sheep and goats 14. Great you did it! 13. Intersection 12. Hackers' Camp 1A 11. Night shift 10. HTML encode 9. Into the future 8. Prime time 7. Be alert 6. Don't blink 5. Mastermind 4. Hit the dots! 3. View me 2. Yummy! 1. Shhh 54. Delta 58. Owned 57. Challenge tube 56. Kiddie Exploit I 55. Rotten 53. Wrong sum 52. Rubik 51. Email forensic 50. Mini challenge 49. Scrambled 48. Enormous 59. Blackout I 47. Simple l33t 45. Stitch me 46. Peekaboo 44. On time 43. Nothing like home 42. Too late 41. Bye intruder 40. Caesarian ciphers 39. Texnical I 38. Degradation 37. Buried 36. IRC I 35. FTP 101 34. Lisp I 33. Wordsearch 32. Recce 31. Special Agents 30. First crypto 29. Fisheye 60. Artillery range 26. See Through 27. Anime Underground 28. Message over 24. Select now 23. Go bananas! 21. Frame of mind 20. Unix 101 19. Equal sums 18. Number of ways 17. Geek quiz 16. Finding factors 14. Pyramid payroll I 12. Showtime 10. Hex colour 9. Do you paint? 8. Easter egg 7. Pokemon! 5. Hi intruder 3. Hieroglyphics math 15. Basecamp 6. The nth term 22. Easy stegano 25. Weak password 13. True or false 2. Easy Javascript 1. Really elementary #7. Get the password from the download Longue vie au triangle ! Integer Snake Atari - on est tous des dieux Smart Ice Dolicrâne Loving Excel Schlaflos? Erstelle ein Hackit Was siehst du? Für Kenner Besondere Zahlen Wo war das? Viele Wege führen nach Rom Ein Wort... Heiße Quelle Sonnenstand Pixelquadrat Niemand weiß es wirklich... Durch die Weiten der Galaxie Franziska und Johann safeCrypto Find the key Evil VB 2 Evil VB LI crackt NUX Erstelle ein Cracking Hackit Lost Serial verlorenes Ende PackerHacker Spiel auf Zeit Inject XSS Suche die Datei yours closed Puppet Master Reload ArticX Webagentur Wer suchet der findet Puppet Master Primzahlen machen Spaß Hashcracker Erstelle ein Programming Hackit Zahlenspielerei 2 Zahlenspielerei Build a Hash Decodingtool Sortieren leicht gemacht Wechselnde Arithmetik Logik trifft Krypto Was kann das sein? 2 Gitterrätsel Zahlenfolge Teelichter Zahlenlogik Erstelle ein Logik Hackit Try it! Ein Rentner und sein Neffe Bilderrätsel Part 2 Bilderrätsel Part 1 Was macht das? Kurz und knapp Was kann das sein? Der Autokauf 4 Regeln 50714638 Quadrat im Quadrat Mengengelehrter Rechenquadrat Programmierlogik Was war das nochmal gleich? Schüttelwort MatheAss Genau hinsehen Wie geht es weiter? Wieder nur Müll im Fernsehn? Hack The Number RBG Punkt für Punkt Erstelle ein Steganographie Hackit Man lernt nie aus! Kaffeepause Großstadt Picture Element Seltsamer Rausschmiss Computertastatur Die Nadel im Heuhaufen Weiß auf Schwarz Ein Text sagt mehr als ein Bild Zahlensalat Newbies are bad Dichter's Geheimnis Find the key below! Easy? |?|?|?| Analyse 2 Erstelle ein Kryptographie Hackit Analyse Kannst du es fühlen? Kopfschmerzen Alte Schriftrolle 2 Pfeilrätsel Hashit Dreierpack Ein echter Klassiker Auf den zweiten Blick Alte Schriftrolle Viele Zahlen Alle lieben Ihn Seltsamer Stein Tunnelblick 3x7 Warum die Buchstaben? Lust auf ein Spiel? V wie Verschlüsselung Einer der leichtesten No Hope Javascript Master Erstelle ein Javascript Hackit Leichter als es aussieht! Hast du es drauf? Gaijin Verschlüsselung Guck genau hin Substring ist cool! Schere Stein Papier Members-Only Area! Finde die Basis Admins-Only Area! ACCESS DENIED!!! Alles auf einmal Javascript Decoder Viele Passwörter Schlüsselalphabet Tresorcode Gut in Mathe? Secret Area!! 6 Stellen Alle in einer Reihe Zwei von denen Operatoren der Verzweiflung Viele Codes Wo ist das Hackit? Kannst du es lesen? Aller Anfang ist leicht Application Challenge 6 Application Challenge 5 XSS4 XSS3 XSS2 XSS1 Timed3 Timed2 Timed1 Stegano8 Stegano7 Stegano6 Stegano3 Stegano5 Stegano4 Stegano2 Stegano1 SQLInjection3 SQLInjection2 SQLInjection1 Reconnaissance3 Reconnaissance2 Reconnaissance1 Other3 Other2 Other1 Mathematics10 Mathematics9 Mathematics8 Mathematics7 Mathematics6 Mathematics5 Mathematics4 Mathematics3 Mathematics2 Mathematics1 Logic4 Logic3 Logic1 Javascript3 Javascript1 InferenceAttacks2 InferenceAttacks1 Encryption15 Encryption14 Encryption13 Encryption12 Encryption11 Encryption10 Encryption9 Encryption8 Encryption7 Encryption6 Encryption5 Encryption4 Encryption3 Encryption2 Encryption1 ElectricalEngineering4 ElectricalEngineering3 ElectricalEngineering2 ElectricalEngineering1 Debugging19 Debugging18 Debugging17 Debugging16 Debugging15 Debugging14 Debugging13 Debugging12 Debugging11 Debugging10 Debugging9 Debugging8 Debugging7 Debugging6 Debugging5 Debugging4 Debugging3 Debugging2 Debugging1 Beginners7 Beginners6 Beginners5 Beginners4 Beginners3 Beginners2 Beginners1 revfun noobhome pwn-easy something is up xorfun welcome-to-noobctf mighty-php leaked-source Zip file Easy Reversing PROB9 File - PKZIP Listen Carefully! PROB2 Ekrpat Snake Worm Código Secreto Snake Slug Ecuaciones I ¡Tierra a la vista! Space Cheater Pacman Checksum ¿Y dónde valido? Snake Python PHP Short open tag Direcciones IP Reverse IP Domain Space Shared Object Última modificación El Guardián: Un escape ¿Comentario? Tag oculto El Guardián Anacleto agente secreto Hello world Java! Batch III Don Quijote Ecuaciones II Batch II BadCoded Forms_Load Batch I Base Decode II Captcha Dinámico Evaluador Matemático Fast Captcha Entidades HTML Código variable El más rápido del este El más rápido del oeste Software Antivirus Mensajería Instantánea 3 Logotipos famosos Videojuegos Mascotas Escultura criptográfica El Hacker planeador Físicos famosos Filosofía oriental Dispositivo de almacenamiento Uno es Muchos GIF Reservado Un gobierno transparente Decode error Imagen descriptiva El espectro Documento nuevo Fix the PNG III Estegano Alfa Fix the PNG II Fundación Ortodoxa del Este Flujo de Datos Diferencia Mínima Imagen Ctrl + A Mapa sensible Mensaje astral Gif animado I Trafico esteganográfico Binario 5 MergeStreams Al inicio del camino Al final del camino Fix the PNG I Codigo Oculto Ofimático Stegano ASCII Art Nous sommes en france Cinta demoniaca Audio rápido Un Zip corrupto ASCII Game Una pequeña adivinanza BMP Raw MD5 en crudo Binario sustituto Binario 4 Binario 3 Albam shop Binario 2 128 insurgentes\ Juan Pujol García Base Encode Binario 1 Más allá de la vista ASCII Extendido Ybegin Base Decode I Binario 0 Escritura Especular Gaius Julius Kaisar Challenge 1: Email Tracing Javascript Hacking 5 Javascript Hacking 4 DazedScript TT0 Messenger #3. Get the password from an image using any method. #2. Find the password hidden in a paragraph. #1. Beat a Tricky JavaScript. #6. You are given a broken encryption. Repair it and get the password. #5. You are given another key. Use this to break another custom encryption. #4. Another very basic cipher #3. A very basic cipher #2. Break another famous encryption using the know method. #1. Break 3 popular encryption methods. #2. More security has been added to the login. However it isn't secure yet. #1. Bypass the login box by logging in as the administrator. #1. Write a program to beat a constantly changing code. #4. Crack a DOS App. #3. Find where the application is looking. #2. Just press the button! #1. Find out what/where the App is looking for. #5. Have a look around a new hardware site. #4. Show a security site they're not so impressive. #3. Show your school's web admin how important security is. #2. Stop those evil egitologists! #1. Get some software for a lot cheaper than you should. #11. Make an email appear to be from an email address that it really isn't. #10. You are given a dumped file. Get the password from this using any method. #9. Break a simple custom encryption. #8. Get the password using common sense. #6. Find the password in this tricky encrypted JavaScript form. #5. Find the password hidden in an image. #4. Find the hidden password. #3. Simple browser manipulation. #2. Just enter the password into the password box! #1. Another JavaScript login to get past. #10. Get past a flash login. #9. Break this encryption. #8. Crack a simple App. #7. Hack a FrontPage uploaded site. #6. Find secret pages site crawlers can't. #5. Trick the email form into sending you the password. #4. Manipulate the cookies to gain access to a protected site. use it to break into a site. #3. You are given a file called c99.txt #2. Break a JavaScript protected page. #1. Find the password in the page. Crackme V2.0 Head[H]ack A crackme or ... Easy Javascript! Security + Javascript ≠ 2 .-. ... . .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-. Hard to make easier! Realistic 7 Realistic 6 Realistic 5 Realistic 4 Realistic 3 Realistic 2 Realistic 1 Trivia 7 Trivia 6 Trivia 5 Trivia 4 Trivia 3 Trivia 2 Trivia 1 Steganography 4 Steganography 3 Steganography 2 Steganography 1 Reversing 6 Reversing 5 Reversing 4 Reversing 3 Reversing 2 Reversing 1 Recon 11 Recon 10 Recon 9 Recon 8 Recon 7 Recon 6 Recon 5 Recon 4 Recon 3 Recon 2 Recon 1 Programming 5 Programming 4 Programming 3 Programming 2 Programming 1 register 1 Javascript 7 Javascript 6 Javascript 5 Javascript 4 Javascript 3 Javascript 1 Cryptography 11 Cryptography 10 Cryptography 9 Cryptography 8 Cryptography 7 Cryptography 6 Cryptography 5 Cryptography 4 Cryptography 3 Cryptography 2 Cryptography 1 Captcha 3 Captcha 2 Captcha 1 Shift cipher Encoding - UU My Little Pony CEH ProtectionSystem I ELF C++ - 0 protection Application Cracking 16 Application Cracking 15 Application Cracking 17 Application Cracking 14 Application Cracking 13 Application Cracking 10 Application Cracking 12 Application Cracking 11 sudo - weak configuration ELF32 - System 1 Javascript - Obfuscation 2 Javascript - Obfuscation 1 Javascript - Authentication 2 Javascript - Source Javascript - Authentication Weak password HTTP directory indexing Hash - SHA2 ELF32 - Stack buffer overflow basic 2 Recursive Programming Encryption Challenge 1 Math time! Disable Javascript Var? go go away .js JS Obfuscation. FTW! Idiot Test Rooting Challenge 1 Application Cracking 8 Application Cracking 9 Application Cracking 7 Uncle Arnold's Local Band Review Basic 10 Password Cracking Easy ELF rangearmentRe Lazy Maze Broken Image Do You Speak Calc? Soviet Intercept Like a 8411 Lotsa Space Create a Challenge Outer Space A Repeat of Pi Latin Lesson Sum Some Primes Type Fastest Fixation Harmonic Growing Bacteria Protected Password 2 Protected Password 1 How is your Grammar? A Piece of Pi Imagine all the Silicon Russain Dolls My Digits VIndicated Melodic Lower Count iPod Fun Dungeon Master Type Faster Rabbits Everywhere Type Fast File Mystery Hacker Expoed Forced Entry Smell as Sweet Secure Room A Hundred 0s Too Many Digits Maeda Path Trip to the Past Glowing Referral Post Captain Lettered Don't Blink One Munite Man Inclusive 'm So Special Never Submit Web Design 110 Go Forth Application Cracking 6 Application Cracking 5 A Few Percent Web Design 101 Invisible Ink Common Comment Visible Ink A Life Worth Living Spiral Bits Countdown Calc Another Typo Pollyanna My Instrutions It's a Small World Privy Snake Arithmetic Primal Pi Execution Style My Head Hurts King Rat Big Fib Random Problem I Will Be Execute Some Randoms Pi Hates Nines Not Chess Bit Test UpCount Follow the Logic Delegates 3280 A Little PHP A Little Python XOR Eval Didactic Feedback Cipher Long 3 Didactic Feedback Cipher Long 2 Fuzzy Dust Didactic Scrambled Egg Cipher Pre-Warmup Broken XOR 3 Sounds Same Warmup Didactic Text 3 Not Smaller Yet Didactic Text 4 Train Wreck Didactic Feedback Cipher Long Didactic Feedback Cipher 2 Didactic XOR Long Cipher CipherQuest B Yin and Yang Didactic Text Combo Make Money Fast Descartes Didactic XOR Cipher 3 State Your Position Didactic Blue Didactic Text 2 Didactic XOR Cipher 2 Affirmative Didactic Feedback Cipher CipherQeust A Listen To Me Frequent These Parts CipherQuest A Warmup Updike Cipher How Faint the Tune Didactic Vampire Text Didactic Bits V.I.L.E. Telecran Didactic Green Didactic Red Didactic RGB Keep Digging Didactic XOR Cipher Steganographic More Dastardly Didactic Text Didactic XOR Substitute Teacher Didactic Bytes The Lightest Touch Ones and Zeroes Dit Dah Who goes there? Didactic Byte be patient Javascript Hacking 3 Javascript Hacking 2 Javascript Hacking 1 App Patching 1 App Patching Who's the custodian? Reversing the application I I encrypted I saw I came Hop Skip and Jump Obfuscation and algorithm hiding Inlining a blowfish scheme in a packed & CRC protected dll + unpacking Asprotect SKE 2.2 Unpacking continued & debugger detection by DLL's and TLS In-depth unpacking & anti-anti-debugging a combination packer / protector Keygenning Inlining inside polymorphic code Reversing techniques in packed software & a S&R loader for ASProtect integrity checks & loader versus patcher The FPU HIEW & approaches in inline patching Author tricks Delphi in Olly & DeDe tElock + advanced patching Bypassing & killing server checks Run Trace & more advanced string searching Killing & inlining a more difficult server check Patching at runtime using loaders from lena151 original Stolen bytes API Redirection Imports rebuilding Packers and protectors : an introduction Debugger detected and anti-anti-techniques selfmodifying code and polymorphism encryption/decryption Diversion code Insights and practice in basic (self)keygenning Reversing using resources continued inlining using a pointer How to study behaviour in the code More difficult schemes and an introduction to inline patching avoiding doublechecking tricks The use of API's in software Intermediate patching using Olly's "pane window" Guiding a program by multiple patching. use of decompilers and a basic anti-anti-trick Continued reversing techniques in VB introduction to SmartCheck and configuration Explaining the Visual Basic concept using LordPE as a hexeditor VA and offset Debugging with W32Dasm Kanal in PEiD Intermediate level patching searching for textstrings "The plain stupid patching method" breakpoints animate over/in Comparing on changes in cond jumps Basic + aesthetic patching Basic nag removal + header problems Keyfiling the reverseme + assembler Olly + assembler + patching a basic reverseme Level 40 Level 39 Level 38 Level 37 Level 36 Level 35 Level 34 Level 33 Level 31 Level 24 Level 22 Basic Web Hacking 2 Basic Web Hacking 1 Application Cracking 4 Application Cracking 3 Cicéron MiniComm fait des progrès en stégano Le jeu des 7 leurres 0% de matière grasse Stega Crackme : l'Éden s'ouvre à toi... Le vrai luxe passe moi le sel ! Hey Maurice K0RN Sémantique informationnelle Un petit sot dans la grande bleue Tux est mon ami ça te dit ? Un plan à 3 dans l'espace J'ai toujours la tête dans la lune Stegano Video Reloaded Space Red Trumps Another vision TT0 - KeyGenMe v2.0 Blank0 RSA cypher IRC Buisness FireWell Industries TT0 chat Purple_Caravan Free Program Starter La tête dans les étoiles Tagle ! Espionnage Les apparences sont trompeuses Une jolie palette de couleurs Le plus faible Matrice Attention les yuex Bobie is too fat data.crypted Carrés Magiques Tricheur... Besoin d'aspirine ? Les fantômes existent... Angle de vue Clé USB Pixels en folie Géométrie Extension ? Zèbre II Un arbre Clair... Noping in progress Zèbre SteganoVideo Un son venu d'un autre monde... Ethique du hacker SCREEN 13 Pour commencer Cherche plus loin que le bout de ton nez Tournée des bars Sokoban Reloaded Bonne Pioche Apprendre à écouter Site Ne Marche Plus ! Sénior vs Junior La gravure mécanique Crawl-me Xor-Ocr-Irc Taillez-moi un short Puzzle me Visual vigenere Crackme Fast Résolution de sudoku Fichus nombres Qui prendra le dernier ? KickMe IrcCaesar Apprenons à lire Apprenons Python Nos chères configs Second degré Quand le jazz est là Renvoi Mots croisés NeuroCalc Jeu télévisé 9 ans de logique Dring... Dring Laser Osmotique à Pédales Eléments manquants 4 Une épreuve pi-mentée Un peu de logique pure Mathématicien Nom de nom... Propriétés Numériques... Une logique très combinatoire Suite alphabétique 3 Retour en primaire ? Suite alphabétique 2 Avez vous les bases ? Suite exponentielle Eléments manquants 3 sucettes et berlingots Caramels Eléments manquants 5 Eléments manquants 1 Régions dans un cercle Eléments manquants 2 Suite numérique 2 Nombre de carrés Suite numérique 3 Suite numérique 1 md5 lovers Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien Randy's Forum WarezManigac Upload III WebGalerie d4priv8 II Fuckin' Forum Audit d'un système de news Grand sondage hebdomadaire d4priv8 I ... avant d'agir Zorder'sZone Toujours réfléchir... Une histoire de porte sam'suffit .htaccess reloaded Upload II Espace 'admin' Script d'identification des admins. Upload I Envoi d'email Une faille des plus connues... Galerie d'images News en construction Vigenere64 Vigenere reloaded Meurtre sur la colline Euh... Une palissade Un petit bouquet d'églantine Des nombres et des lettres Du pain du vin... Triforce Pauvre luxe Indexation de mots Disparition S03ncryp710n Pourquoi avoir choisi l'Optima ? ... Vigenere ou ... ? Vixenere non ? On pourrait y aller à ski de 7 à 8 _.._ ___ ._. Encryptage FTP Jouez le jeu ! Graphique OU exclusif Capillotractée Gargamel Un MOT de passe Code secret Jérome Cardan Un trésor Mer Morte Chimique A perpétuité Dans le cube Vivement la fin ! Elémentaire SHIFT ou ALT ? 1+3+3=7 Problème d'encodage... Qui veut un nonos' ? Vodka !! .-. ... . Une impression de déjà vu Avé vous trouvé ? En remote La revanche Sans les sources Après la pile le tas Les chaines de format Sans environnement Une variable Bof bof Broken disk Mot de passe oublié Tout ce qui est RAR est cher Visage libre S pour Secure meme Pas CAP Analyse d'attaque Chasse au trésor Mangez des pommes KeygenMe It's a trap DarkBasic Mémoire et Cocktail explosif ! BoFMe BreakMe ChillyMe Spécial CommComm Client/serveur I Love Binary Explode-me BFMe ReverseMe Spécial Zembla Serveur de base de données NewbieCenter n°5 Kowasumi PatchMe Ce crackme tu réussiras Oh ! Un elf ou un troll ? Désarmant ! Folcrack Consolez-moi Dezippez dezippez il en restera toujours quelque chose Are you the number one ? Are you a good boy ? Hello Word Visuel et basique FlashMdP Space invaders Za tvoyo zdo´rovye ! Yet Yet Another Java Challenge Yet Another Java Challenge Jmais deux sans trois Ne loupez pas le coche Et de deux... Tout est relatif Tiens une applet ! On joue à cache-cache ? Calculons gaiement ! Un classique... tu décodes... Je décode Dans la page ? Et vous trouvez ça drôle ? Ca coule de source 6. And If... 5. face 2 face 4. Bad md5 coding! 3. Serialz1 2. Poor encryption 1. Variable SmartApp 03 SmartApp 04 SmartApp 01 SmartApp 02 SmartApp ELF32 - Stack buffer overflow basic 1 Training: ASCII Encodings: URL Training: Get Sourced 3. Easy Again 9. Devaluation 8. Drugs are bad 7. Having fun?!? :-) 6. HTML Guardian 5. Micro$oft crap... 6. Superuser ownage 5. Admin Area 4. Simple encoding 3. Let me in!!! 2. Decompile me... 1. Training - Sweet little applet... 17. Electronic Cook Book 16. Cipher Matryoshki 15. Private Parts 14. Just a Rotor Machine 13. Double Decker 12. What's this tree doing here? 11. From the front to the back 10. Hamming 9. A compliment... 8. DECrypt challenge 7. SUPER cipher 6. Viva la France 5. Check out the tables.... 4. XOR crypt 3. Sea Code 2. Substitution.... 1. Training - Crypto basics. 8. Step by Step 7. Secure Extension 6. SeSSxploit 5. UNION makes FORCE 4. Hiding in a pipe... 3. Source Cooking! a typo... 2. Oops 1. Training - Nice include system ;) 14. ReverseMe 13. Go with the Flow 12. Shuffle the Puzzle 11. Know your arts 10. Try to think back 9. Thinking ahead is key 7. Multiple Problems 6. ShowMe 5. Simple breakpoints set... 4. Please Register this app 3. SmartCheck vs. Ollydbg 13. Space Code 12. COBOL 11. Life is ust a game 10. Messing with your mind 9. DebugMe 8. How do you like the EURO? 7. Multiple Languages 6. Wanna play?!?! 5. Your highness the queen 4. Aaarrrgghhh!! 3. Infinite division 2. Are you fast enough? 1. Keep walking... 15. Faulty Obscurity 14. Start flashing 13. Cryptozoology 12. CONQUEST SPACE - TERMINAL 11. Pay for it... 10. Writing damn fast 9. Digi Logic 8. TurboSnake 7. Walk like an Egyptian 6. Made in Taiwan 5. Chemical Stuff 4. What am I :-) 3. Hey 2. Hmm I don't see it... 1. Flash Login 12. Food in the Garbage 11. SPECtacular 10. Ancient Voices 9. Did you try it 100x? 8. How good are your eyes? 7. Learn See Become 6. Just a flag... 5. Nice colors eh? words... 4. Words 3. Another picture! 2. Go Holland Go! 1. Training - Can you see me? 13. We come one Level 32 → Level 33 Level 31 → Level 32 Level 30 → Level 31 Level 29 → Level 30 Level 28 → Level 29 Level 27 → Level 28 Kill Beale Reverse Me Let's Drive! Reverse Me2 Ceasar Revolution StegnoWhat?! Enigma Code Who is the Walrus? It's All About Encryption-2 It's All About Encryption-3 Can You Play Fair? Secret Of Art Bx6 XmiXdriX RAInBoDAlIC! SteganoFreak ViTable Divine Moments of Truth PcArt RootConsole Forbidden Area ProxyMania Expert-TT0 P0wW0w Revenge PsyBlogs Foobar Systems Music Time! TT0 Forum Chumbeciztan's Interior Ministry Oh-No! HTML & JS Challenge We Love Cookies OS Login 1337Browser Admin Login WithStyle What Do You Mean?! MegaSpeedDownload Aj[hack]X Who iZ? Channel 5 Lets Fuck Your Brain KeyGenMe1 Crackme v3.0 Zip me if you can 1. Really EASY one TT0 CrackMe 4 TT0 CrackMe 3 TT0 CrackMe 2 TT0 CrackMe 1 Crackme V1.0 It's All About Encryption-1 Zero & One PROB23 Bonus Problem! PROB20 alloca rsa calculator crypto1 syscall lfh cmd3 coin2 aeg dos4fun tiny_hard exploitable softmmu kcrc cmd2 codemap lokihardt Pwnable.kr] PYC - ByteCode ELF - Ptrace ELF - Fake Instructions TELNET - authentication FTP - authentication Root-Me] PE DotNet - 0 protection PE - 0 protection ELF - x86 Basic ELF - 0 protection 2. SmartCheck rulez... 1. Training - Can you crack me?!? 1. He also makes a good salad I'm sure you've just lost the key Javascript Encryption Nr. 1 EASY Easy Admin Login Simple XSS Challenge From basic to mid RACINE Criminal History Buttered Bread Be Sure to Tweak You Png GLaDOS would be proud! CanYouXor.It? Secret text is Not To be Fucking Seen You can also find this tattooed on Bender's ass. Your GF's Favourite wealthy entrepreneur How would you read an image? Notice anything different about my fangs? I used to be slim Arbitrary Colors Between me and you. Invasion on ? Street. Scambled Eggs I Get Dizzy After Sitting Too Long in the Jacuzzi CaPsS You filthy animal! Now I see A lot harder than typing CryptoForm Pie > Salad Give it to your kid. They like solving these WTF?!? Sling's Manifesto Easier than you might think. A different kind of board than you're used to. Follow the clues a-z*6 Better than a 4 wheel drive Shakespeare's sonnets a lot harder than SMS Meanwhile in Germany Polly the parrot loves to square dance? Prove you're not drunk? As key? At least he doesn't cheat The grass is always greener on the other side Not K9 But ? You can't tell me where to go! Before sure to check for poison Are you on the right path? It's not listed? Are you listed? I hate it when the Dr has to do this to me. Where did you come from :S Take us to your leader The way this challenge crumbles Coding Upside-Down In Reverse Quick Peak Almost as fun as a Jigsaw! Sudoku! Repeat After Me B4DRC4 Brain Fuck Me Too Crack Me Christmas Encrypted Brain Fuck Me 1 Prison 9 Cells Tilt your head As easy as it gets Implants? Where's Jonnycake? CYHI I.P. Address Game Over! The Fonejacker At your service CanYouFind.It Treasure Trail Follow the music. Black Hat's Fate Ptatix Shock Loop Dee Loop Did you fall for it too? Arrays! Another quick one. The thing you thought was really cool back when you were still a noob Follow the pattern I thought this was meant to be challenging? Riddle me this Can you GET this one? An easy start Premission Navajo code Crypto.....? PROB14 already got SafeSEH Memory Protection Basic 21 SQL Injection Challenges Basic 40 XSS(Cross Site Scripting) Challenges Basic Challenges] Training: Stegano I EASY_CrackMe Hash - Message Digest 5 Encoding - ASCII Application Challenge 4 Application Challenge 2 Application Challenge 1 the idiot test Logic Cubed Math Puzzles Computer Talk Calculating the Combination Math Puzzle Julius's Key Adjoined Wisserd Base 8^2 A different method A curious escape Challenge 26 Challenge 15 Challenge 17 Challenge 1 Challenge 4 Challenge 14 Using an Access Control Matrix Bypass a Path Based Access Conrol Scheme LAB: Role Based Access Control (RBAC) LAB: Client Side Filtering DOM Injection LAB: DOM-Based cross-site scripting XML Injection JSON Injection Insecure Client Storage Dangerous Use of Eval Phishing with XSS Stored XSS Attacks Reflected XSS Attacks Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) CSRF Prompt By-Pass CSRF Token By-Pass HTTPOnly Test Fail Open Authentication Scheme Improper Error Handling Numeric SQL Injection Log Spoofing String SQL Injection LAB: SQL Injection Database Backdoors Blind Numeric SQL Injection Blind String SQL Injection ZipBomb Denial of Service from Multiple Logins Malicious File Execution Malicious Execution Hijack a Session Session fixation Create a SOAP Request WSDL Scanning Web Service SAX Injection Web Service SQL Injection Encodings I Basic Chellenges Auth key The Enigma Group Cracking 2 Cracking 3 Cracking 1 Shopping Cart Concurrency Flaw Thread Safety Problems location-51 Cryptology Encoding Basics Insecure Storage Off-by-One Overflows Buffer Overflows Multi Level Login 2 Multi Level Login 1 password strength guesing forgot password sysinternals suite hidden flag Binary Analysis bin-easy authorized persons file reader 2013-web-50 Bypass HTML Field Restrictions Exploit Unchecked Email Insecure Communication Bypass Client Side JavaScript Validation Insecure Login Exploit Hidden Fields HTTP Basics 2013-bin-50 Code Quality alien invasion System Call File Descriptor BUF Why not? Obfuscate Troll uaf warm-up echo2 md5 calculator coin1 cmd1 echo1 unexploitable tiny_easy ascii_easy simple login brain fuck FTK imager towelroot ROP Accumulator brainfuck mirai ShellShock telegram pcap HTTP Method Decrypt Big boy memoria collusion Cooldown Tic Tac green grass The Challenge memes file carving sux THX Part Two Call Me Maybe Primos The Powers That Be Where are you from? cookie monster passcode SHA256 lowe The X Factor mccormick Java Decompiler ROT13 Get Me Lights Out What Can I Do? Mirror Mirror venganza Banderas sequel ping test vinegar REV2 lion cub PlanetA cliche EXYNOS PrintScreen Newbie branches Undisputed TextView Circular Queue BugBear file recovery king sejong RVA memcpy ASAP breaking bad HTTP Header ESCAPE! expired Floating The Abyss ASG tactile equation shrine packet analysis Wolfman john the ripper crlf trippy Playing with Fire substitution NAG logic2 G30 Encrypt ORC counting aircrack-ng netcat imaging photo gallery basic 11 OFB Forgotten Guillotine authorization MISTAKE IDA Pro sokoban emile zola Shoutbox Interference open-source strcmp LFI Blue Skies ReadProcessMemory Tannenbaum unPack Lost! Secret Agent Skeleton Fiesta First Time algebra Job interview Droid ave DarkKnight Home Alone Valuation Headache RB WTF diversity xshell Comfortably Numb Wassily Kandinsky terrorist slot machine spoiler Automation serial number File Transfer Once Upon A Time rotation RTFM polish Turtles unlink ASM product key FLASH BACK Darts Hex Editor Succubus Store Javascript2 DarkElf pipe blank White Noise Bottom bcd 1337 Nuclear Leg get out SFX 70's hostname Calc say it OllyDbg FSB recover number theory mask Unknown Immortal Vampire Whisper Mutant Surprise FAT32 url encoding QWERTY aes Hamlet GO AWAY Buttons redeye breakout logon bakery Leonardo sniffing get Goblin Assassin Fromage File Upload xinetd Short Circuit BC rootkit look Carta Evil RoN puzzle BROTHERS Music player military Tracking